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Financial Documents Needed for Dissolution and Divorce Cases

Both Dissolution and Divorce cases in Ohio require both parties to fully disclose all of their assets and liabilities. It is best to gather all the information you can regarding your assets and liabilities at the start of the process so that you can identify all accounts, debts, and property that will need to be addressed in the termination of your marriage.

In nearly all cases, the attorney or attorneys involved in your dissolution will want to see these documents in order to verify the existence of the assets or debts and the amounts or values.


The list of documents below provides key information for your attorney and your spouse’s attorney that will enable you to negotiate a settlement of the financial and property issues in your dissolution or divorce.

Additionally, many courts have a mandatory list of mandatory disclosures that must be made by both parties in the case, so having these documents from the start will enable you and your attorney to satisfy the Court’s required disclosures early in the case. Check your court’s website to see if they have their mandatory disclosure list posted.


  1. Credit reports from all three reporting agencies (
  2. Complete federal, state, and local income tax returns for the immediate past filing year and three years prior, with all schedules, W2s, 1099s, and other supporting documents;
  3. An itemized breakdown of overtime, commissions, and bonuses for the current year and the past three years (separate overtime & bonuses from base salary/wages);
  4. All documents verifying present gross income, as defined by R.C. 3119.01 and any employment contracts.
  5. All documents regarding stock options, restricted stock units, and any deferred compensation, owned or owed to either party, whether vested or unvested.
  6. Proof of cost of health care insurance (obtainable from the HR department);
  7. Proof of child care costs (invoices, cancelled checks and receipts);
  8. Cost of continuation of health insurance under COBRA (obtainable from the HR department)
  9. Documents for all assets of either party, including but not limited to:
    • Real estate deeds, land contracts, leases, timeshare documents,
    • Any appraisals and financing or refinancing applications regarding real estate owned by the parties.
    • If any real estate was owned prior to the marriage, proof of purchase price (HUD Statement), fair market value and mortgage balance at time of marriage, present mortgage balance, cost of improvements made to the real property during the marriage;
    • Titles to all titled personal property, including but not limited to, vehicles, boats, motors, trailers, campers, aircrafts, ATVs, personal watercrafts, and motorcycles;
    • Financial or brokerage accounts (12 months of statements for each account owned);
    • All life insurance policies with proof of cash surrender value, history of loans against such policies and present beneficiary designation;
    • All health insurance policies;
    • Any pending or settled lawsuits or government claims (workers comp, social security, etc.);
    • Trust documents, if a party is a trustee, settlor, beneficiary, or party in interest;
    • Promissory notes receivable or other documentation of loans to others;
    • Statements and documentation of all stocks, bonds, or other investment vehicles, as well as twelve (12) months of brokerage account statements;
    • The latest retirement account statements showing present value for all retirement benefits and accounts (IRAs, 401 (k)s, 403(b)s, SEPs, Keoghs, Pensions) and information regarding any loans against retirement accounts.
    • As to business interests of either party, all tax returns, with all schedules and financial statements.
    • Itemization of household goods and furnishings with an opinion as to fair market value.
    • All other assets (including but not limited to: judgments, airline miles, gift certificates, deferred compensation, unused vacation or sick pay, etc.).
    • If you are claiming your spouse dissipated assets, all documents evidencing the dissipation.
    • If either party has transferred funds or property with value of $500.00 or more to someone other than spouse or creditor, and all documents evidencing the same.
    • If there is a claim of separate property interests (premarital, inherited, or gifted), all documents substantiating such claims, as well as tracing documents.
    • Current Social Security Statement (including record of earnings and summary of estimated benefits).
  10. Documents identifying all debts and liabilities of the parties, including both individual and joint debts;
    • Statements showing balance currently owed to any and all creditors;
    • The last 6 months of credit card statements on all accounts;
    • Proof of both parties’ debts and liabilities that existed as of the date of the marriage;
    • All Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy documents if bankruptcy was filed during the last seven (7) years.
  11. Miscellaneous:
    • Safety deposit box entry cards for the past 6 months;
    • Prenuptial or antenuptial agreements of either party;
    • If previously divorced, any divorce decree, qualified domestic relations order, or other court order which enforces a present or future obligation on a party (including maintaining beneficiary designations).

Check out our other articles and resources at our Dissolution Resource Center

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