Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Parenting Schedules for Divorced Parents in Northeast Ohio

Thanksgiving Holiday schedules for divorced parents differ from county to county in Ohio. In this article, we have outlined the standard scheduled parenting times for Thanksgiving Holiday parenting time for Summit, Medina, Portage, and Stark Counties.

If you have a Shared Parenting Plan, the specific terms of your shared parenting plan will govern your parenting time over Thanksgiving.


Two nights for each parent over Thanksgiving break.

During Even years:

Father has the children from 5:30 pm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through Friday after Thanksgiving at 7:00 p.m.

Mother has the children from 7:00 pm the Friday after Thanksgiving through 7:00 p.m. on Sunday.

During Odd Years:

Mother has the children from 5:30 pm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through Friday after Thanksgiving at 7:00 p.m.

Father has the children 7:00 pm the Friday 7:00 p.m. to Sunday, 7:00 p.m.

Summit Domestic Relations Court Standard Order
Portage County Domestic Relations Court Standard Order

MEDINA COUNTY – Equal Time or Alternating Years

Medina County’s standard schedule contains two options for Thanksgiving. Parents will have to agree which option they will be using.

Medina Option 1 – Share Thanksgiving Break Equally:

During Even Years (Option 1):

Father has the children from 6:00 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through 6:00 pm the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Mother has the children from 6:00 pm the Friday after Thanksgiving through Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

During Odd Years (Option 1):

Mother has the children from 6:00 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through 6:00 pm the Friday at after Thanksgiving.

Father has the children from 6:00 pm the Friday after Thanksgiving through Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Medina Option 2 – Alternate Annually

Under option 2 in Medina, the parenting time runs from 6:00 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through the 6:00 pm the Sunday following Thanksgiving.

Father – Even Years
Mother – Odd Years

Link: Medina County Domestic Relations Standard Order.


Stark County’s Thanksgiving time runs from 9:00 am on Thursday morning through 9:00 am on the Friday following Thanksgiving.

Father – Even Years
Mother – Odd Years

Link: Stark County Family Court Standard Schedule

11/14/2019 – Grisi & Budde, LLC

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