Divorced? Want to know if you’ll be able to trick-or-treat with your kids this year? We have compiled a list of the standard parenting time orders for Halloween in Summit, Stark, Portage, and Medina Counties.
If you have a Shared Parenting Plan, the terms of your Shared Parenting Plan will determine your trick-or-treat time with your kids.
Summit Domestic Relations Court Standard Order:
4 hours on trick or treat day or night in each parent’s neighborhood
(If there is a conflict, Father receives even numbered years, and Mother receives even numbered years).
Click here to see the Akron Area 2019 Halloween trick or treat times.
Portage County Domestic Relations Court Standard Order:
4 hours on trick or treat day or night in each parent’s neighborhood
(If there is a conflict, Father receives even numbered years, and Mother receives even numbered years).
The 2019 Trick or Treat times in Portage county vary from city to city, but a majority of cities will have trick-or-treat on Sunday, October 27th. Click here to check for your city’s specific time.
In Portage County, Charlestown and Deerfield Townships will have no door-to-door begging. Instead, there will be a trunk-or-treat in Charlestown Park on October 27th, from 2-4 p.m., and at the Deerfield Town Hall on October 27th, from 1-3 p.m.
Medina County Domestic Relations Standard Order:
Father – Even Years
Mother – Odd Years
4 Hours on the day or night designated for trick-or-treating for the above-referenced parent.
A majority of trick-or-treating in Medina County will take place on Halloween, Thursday, October 31st from 6-8 p.m. Chippewa Lake is from 6-7:30 p.m. Granger Township is the exception, as their trick-or-treat will be Sunday, October 27th from 2-4. Be sure to check out this link for dates and times for all communities.
Stark County Family Court does not include Halloween on its standard holiday parenting time schedule. Your best solution is to work it out by agreement with the other parent. If you cannot agree, the standard parenting time schedule will determine where the children are during trick or treat time.
Stark County trick-or-treat dates and times vary from community to community. Click here to check for dates and times for all communities.
10/25/2019 – Grisi & Budde, LLC